Pediatric Eyecare Specialist
OC Optometry Group
Optometrists located in Newport Beach, CA
To do his or her best in school, play, and life, your child needs to have pediatric eye care from an expert like those who work at the OC Optometry Group. The friendly and supportive team provides back-to-school eye exams, regular checkups, urgent and other kinds of pediatric eyecare. You are always scheduled sooner rather than later, and emergencies are usually seen on the same day. Schedule an appointment at the convenient Newport Beach, California, location online or by phone now.
Pediatric Eyecare Q & A
When should my child have eye exams?
Your child's first eye exam should occur at about 6 months of age. Following that, bring your child in for an eye exam at age 3, and then again at age 5 or 6 (prior to starting school.) If your child needs vision correction, he or she should see the eye doctor every year. If your child doesn’t have eye issues, then once every two years.
If my child passes the school vision screening, does he or she still need an eye exam?
Yes. School vision screenings are very basic ones that only test for major vision impairment. Basic screenings can't detect many eye problems. During your child's eye exam at the OC Optometry Group, your doctor looks for all types of vision problems and emerging issues as well.
How does vision therapy work?
Vision therapy is similar to physical therapy for your child's eyes. It can correct problems like amblyopia (lazy eye), eye movement issues, eye alignment issues, focus issues, and some visual-perceptual disorders. Your child can receive vision therapy at the OC Optometry Group but may do at-home exercises as well.
How can I get my child to leave his or her glasses on?
Children, especially younger toddlers, may try to take their glasses off at first. There are special elastic-banded glasses that go around the head, but some children pull those off as well.
Overall, persistence and consistency are the best ways to keep your child's glasses on. Place them on your child first thing upon awakening, and remove them last at night. Your child will adapt to the new glasses more easily than you may imagine.
Is there any way to prevent my child's myopia from steadily worsening?
Yes, there are several ways to control myopia. Your child's OC Optometry Group doctor may recommend several options, including prescription atropine eye drops, special multifocal glasses or contact lenses, or cornea-reshaping lenses (orthokeratology.) Often, if you're dedicated to using the recommended treatments, you can completely stop your child’s myopia from progressing any further.
If it's time for your child’s pediatric eye care visit, trust the best vision care team in town, the OC Optometry Group. Book visit online or by phone now.